Monday, January 5, 2009

Cookie Security

Describe the security model for browser cookies?

That question was asked of me in a job interview recently. Unfortunately, I didn't have a good answer because I haven't actually worked with the details of creating and reading cookies for a long time. When you don't exercise a muscle it loses its tone. If you don't exercise knowledge it fades. That's what happened here. Unless you're coding new sites frequently you're probably not dealing with cookie security that often. It was time for me to hit the books and brush up on my knowledge.

So, what is the security model for browser cookies? Here goes.

First, browsers will only send cookies to the site which set the cookie. In this case we define "site" by a domain name and path. If a cookie is set with a domain of then only can read that cookie. A cookie set with can only be read by

What if you want to share cookies among subdomains in a given domain? For example you want and to read the same cookie. If the cookie is set to a subset of the fully qualified name then the cookie will be shared among any server whose tail matches the domain of the cookie.

For example: a cookie with a domain of will be sent to as well as and

Furthermore, a cookie with a domain of will be sent to and

When setting the domain for a cookie you must specify a domain name and not just a top-level-domain. Meaning, you can't set a cookie to just .com or .edu. Browsers won't let you do this. But what about That's a TLD but it has two parts so according to the specification it's fair game. Older browsers do in fact allow this to happen. However, newer browsers have restrictions to prevent cookies being tied to these particular two-part TLDs although each browser implements these restrictions a little differently.

So now we understand domains and tail matching. We can also restrict a cookie to a particular path on the server. For example, if a cookie's path is set to /blah/ it will only be available to requests with the /blah/ directory and any sub-directory such as /blah/hooga/.

There is one extra layer of built-in protection that's worth noting. When creating a cookie you can specify if it is to be sent only over HTTPS or not. However, since the majority of my work exists in the plain HTTP world this feature doesn't do me a lot of good.

We now understand the rules for which cookies get sent to which servers but there's a couple of other problems. First, cookies are sent as clear text across the net and can be eavesdropped on. Second, users can modify their cookies to contain values you may not want. How do we protect against eavesdropping and tampering?

Let's address the eavesdropping question first. We'll use two-way encryption to reduce the chance of eavesdropping. We're using two-way encryption because we want to send an encrypted value over the net but we need to decrypt the value so we can actually read it once the cookie has landed on the server. This doesn't make the cookie bullet proof because it can still be decrypted by a 3rd party with brute-force. Because of this and other reasons, you should store as little personal information as possible in cookies. If this cookie is intended to recognize a logged in user you may want to minimally include userid and ip address.

Moving on... let's say a cookie has been modified by whatever means and it may contain bad values. Values that might allow a user to impersonate other users. Like admins. We don't want that.

Here is where we're going to use one-way hashing on the cookie value itself. Let's use the logged in user example. We want to store username in a cookie for users who are logged in so the site will recognize them between sessions. We'll take the username, say, 'bob', add a salt to it and generate a hash using whatever algorithm floats your boat. Now we'll append the hash to the username and that becomes are full cookie value. Of course, you'll need a delimiter between the individual fields so you can pick them apart when you need to read it later. For example...


This is our basic cookie value. This is what we're going to encrypt and decrypt. Upon decryption we're going to rehash the username and make sure it matches up with the hash sent in the cookie. If the hashes match we're good cookie. If not, then you know something fishy is going on.

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