Friday, March 20, 2009

UNIX Shell Tip: Alias Frequently Used Directories

If you work in UNIX you probably spend most of your time in a directory several levels deep. That may or may not be relative to your home directory. Perhaps you switch back and forth between Apache's configuration directory and your home directory several times a day. It would be nice not to have to type those directory names out all the time. Even with tab completion you still have to type at least a couple of characters per directory and that assumes you've memorized the paths.

For the directories you use the most often just alias them in your .bash_login file. Here's a few examples.

alias sb='cd /var/www/foo/app'
alias mods='cd /var/www/foo/app/hosts/bar/modules'
alias aconf='cd /etc/apache2/'
alias logs='cd /opt/var/log'

Obviously, your own aliases should be suited to your own environment. This makes moving around the filesystem much easier.

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